October is “Talk about Prescriptions Month,” and there’s no better time to learn about safely disposing of leftover medication. The American Medical Association suggests the following steps:
■ Sort through over-the-counter medications, vitamins and supplements to determine which ones are expired.
■ If you are unsure of what is in a bottle or package, consider taking the unknown medicine or preparation to your pharmacist or doctor so they can help you identify what it is.
■pSafely dispose of expired, unwanted and unused prescription drugs, over the- counter medications, vitamins, and supplements. Follow the disposal instructions on the drug label (or the patient information that came with the medicine, if you still have it). Do not flush any drugs down the toilet unless the information instructs you to do so. When in doubt about proper disposal, talk with your pharmacist or doctor. We can also tell you about any upcoming community drug take-back programs where you may drop off medications. Additionally, Kenosha County has 4 medication disposal locations. Here is a link with these locations, their hours, and what items are accepted.
— Source: American Medical Association