Migraine headaches are three times more common in women than in men. A family history of migraine is present in 70 to 80% of sufferers.
Many women experience migraines related to the hormonal changes of menstruation, oral contraceptives, pregnancy, post-partum and menopause. If headaches become more frequent and intense with oral-contraceptive use, it’s important to inform your doctor. In some instances, a change in the type of oral-contraceptive pill will lessen or alleviate the headaches. In other instances, the pill or hormone treatment must be discontinued.
Over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications are often useful in migraine management. It is possible, however, to worsen headaches with frequent medication use. Talk with your doctor about all prescription, OTC or herbal products you are taking for headache treatment. Your doctor will work with you to try to find the best strategy for headache relief and prevention.
Many people find headache improvement with relaxation and other self-care techniques. Rest
in a darkened room, cool compresses, massage and a nap are examples. Drink plenty of fluids to
avoid dehydration. Keep a journal to help identify migraine triggers and patterns.
If you are experiencing headaches, see your doctor for a diagnosis and to discuss treatment options that are appropriate for you.
— Source: University of California, Berkeley