2019, May
Grilled Pork Skewers
Want to make a simple, delicious recipe for your next barbecue that will wow all of your guests? This is it. The marinade is super easy and the pork will [...]
Habits for Healthy Sleep
If you have insomnia, developing healthy sleep habits can make a big difference. These guidelines are especially important for people who can’t fall asleep or stay asleep regularly. These simple [...]
2019, April
Time for a Foot Checkup
In celebration of Foot Health Awareness Month, check your feet and ankles at home using these simple steps: • Skin: Check each foot for calluses, blisters or irritation. Now put [...]
Vitamin D: How Much do you Need?
Vitamin D is a nutrient needed for health and to maintain strong bones. It helps the body absorb calcium (one of bone’s main building blocks) from food and supplements. It [...]
Turkey Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers
If you’re looking for pure comfort-food nostalgia, you’ll enjoy these meatloaf stuffed peppers. Serve with veggies on the side. Serves 6 3 large bell peppers (red, green or yellow) 1 [...]
Is it a Cold or Allergies? Know the Difference
You’re feeling crummy, with sneezing, sniffles, post-nasal drip... is it a cold, or are your allergies flaring up? It can be hard to tell them apart because they share so [...]
2019, February
Know the Signs — and What to Do. IS IT A HEART ATTACK?
Although some heart attacks are sudden and intense, most start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Pay attention to your body and call 911 if you feel: • Chest discomfort. [...]
2019, January
Skin Care Tips for Busy Women
Follow these easy steps to keep your skin healthy and radiant. • Bathe in warm — not hot — water using mild cleansers that don’t irritate. Wash gently. Don’t scrub. [...]