Talk to your doctor about how you can prevent or delay diabetes by losing a small amount of weight and by being physically active for 30 minutes, five days a week and following a low-fat, reduced-calorie meal plan.
Try eating more foods made with whole grains. Switch from whole milk to skim. Read food labels. Keep a written record of all the foods you eat for a week so you can see when you tend to overeat or to indulge in high-fat or high-calorie foods.
Take the stairs at work. Park farther away in the parking lot and walk to your destination. Make fewer phone calls and instead walk with friends to catch up. Borrow a workout DVD from your local library. March in place while you watch TV.
It doesn’t take a lot of extra effort to make those small changes in your lifestyle, and they can really add up. Talk with a friend about doing this together. You’ll make the process more fun — and you’ll enjoy the rewards of better health together!
— Source: National Diabetes Education Program